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Design - Functionality is achieved only when all pieces work together.

Located in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina, Asheville is an affluent town with a mixture of big city pleasures and small town charm. The Courtyard Gallery located here features fine arts, local crafts, art and film events.

Interested in displaying and/or selling your work on consignment? We are looking for fine arts and crafts featuring appalachian artisans, but all are welcome to apply email or call 828-273-3332

Grand Re-opening--May 5th 6pm-9pm
The Courtyard Gallery celebrates its grand re-opening in the expanded space on the top floor of the Phil Mechanics Building. Feature painters include artist Stoshy from Seattle, Washington,  Jarrett Leone, Lisa Walraven, Cynthia Potter and Harold Black.  Jewelry, Puppets, Love Monsters, earrings,  metal art, and textiles will also be available for purchase by area craft-persons. The Courtyard Gallery is home to the World Cinema Series every Friday night at 8pm and the Twin Rivers Media Festival this May 25th-27th.The Courtyard Gallery also houses the Veterans for Peace and is open from 11am-5pm daily. Phil Mechanics Building, 109 Roberts St. 6pm-9pm

Fall Exhibit: Anything Goes, Everything Shows! Mail Art
Send in your Art NOW!

Courtyard Gallery & Agency Logo

109 Roberts Street
Asheville, NC 28801


© 2012 Courtyard Gallery & Agency. All Rights Reserved.